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Wear Love

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

Fashion, Self Esteem and Using Colour Therapy

I love fashion. Coming out of school, you have to think about what kind of career you want, what you want to pursue. For me, I've had a strong desire for fashion and design, something I'm still pursuing on the side lines ;) I discovered reiki shortly after, and realized it was one of the ways I could help people, something I've always wanted to do.

While thinking about this, It made me ponder on how even things like fashion, food, colours etc. connect with our energy, relating to how we feel, how we think, and how we speak to ourselves. Here are some thoughts I was guided to share.

"Wear Love"

A slogan I was inspired to share, after it's revelation to me for a fashion project.


Love What You Wear

When you think about the saying "You are what you eat", well doesn't that apply to many other things as well, like " you are what you wear", "you are what you say" or "you are what you think/believe" ? If we can love what we wear, and can see new ways to express, uplift, and feel confident in ourselves, then we are already on our way to exploring the depths of self love.

Words are love

When we love ourselves fully, we begin to open up and are more confident in our abilities and passions. The journey of loving ourselves isn't always easy, as we have to accept the light and the dark within us. However, we can begin in small ways, for example; how we speak to ourselves, the thoughts and feelings we have towards our body, our life, etc. Let's try this...

Repeat after me... I like myself. I love myself. My body is beautiful. I am not perfect, and that is okay. I am grateful for everything in my life.

How do you feel? Whether you read it, or said it out loud, could you feel a shift or a change within yourself?

Every thought and every word we speak to ourselves internally or externally are all noted down by our brain and body. If we change the conversations and words that we share with ourselves and others, we can transform our lives.

Now let's try a few more! I am enough. I have always been enough. I like myself. I love myself. I am wonderful.

Did you notice a difference?

If you can apply these positive words and statements, and say them out loud with confidence, and belief, you can change how you react, how you speak with yourself and you can begin to wear love, because you are love.


Colours and ME

Now that we have begun to use positive words, thoughts and feelings with ourselves, colours can sometimes help too. For me, when I pick out an outfit for the day, sometimes I choose by the colour I feel like wearing. As much as classic styles are beautiful and important, bringing colour into your wardrobe can help lighten your mood. It's the feeling you have with certain colours, for example: today I put on a white shirt with a little splash of pink, one because I love this shirt, but also because it went with the rose quartz bracelet (promoting unconditional & self love) that I decided to pair with it.

Fashion can mean your tops, pants, dresses, etc. but it could also mean jewellery, a nail polish colour, shoes and bags, even a lip colour.

If you are looking to add more colour to your life and wardrobe, see what colours, patterns and textures catch your eye the next time you shop online, or browse in a store. How do certain colours make you feel? Does the texture/material make you feel good? Bring awareness to these areas to see what you find.

Colour therapy can be beneficial to anyone, and when you take notice of these things, it can also help you bring awareness to your energy, thoughts and feelings in other areas of your life. The importance of fashion, is that it can help boost your confidence, help you feel comfortable and supported, and with a grateful heart, can help you love and appreciate yourself more.


Remember, what you wear is not only about fashion, but also about the thoughts, feelings, colours and energy you carry throughout your day.

I hope this little post can help you to speak to yourself with kind, loving and positive words and thoughts. As well as, be aware of your energy, and help you use colour and patterns to awaken your confidence, and uplift mood.

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