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Intro to Homeopathy

Updated: 5 days ago

What is homeopathy and how does it work?

Let's begin simply.

Homeopathy is an energetic form of medicine that talks to your body in a way to activate healing. Homeopathy is based on similitude, the similarity of the persons symptoms to a chosen remedy. Typically, a person is given little pellets or a liquid remedy that is chosen based on their particular symptoms, and dosed based on the severity and repetition needed to awaken the body.

So how does it work exactly?

Homeopathic medicine can be quite different to other conventional medicines, it works on a cellular and energetic level. It takes your whole body and life force into account to heal not only the physical body, but emotionally, mentally and energetically too.

Homeopathy doesn't leave negative side effects. It's gentle, effective and safe for all (adults, children, babies, during pregnancy, elderly). It can help to unravel all the blocks and imbalances, to improve your life. Homeopathy has many uses and treats many different types of ailments, areas of disease, and complications.

Homeopathic remedies come from different sources. Some are derived from plants, some minerals, and so on and so forth. However, whatever substance the remedy is sourced from, it is put through a process that creates a mother tincture. From there, it is highly diluted. After it goes through it's dilution process, it is placed on to little sugar pellets that the body can easily absorb and ingest. It is then potentizied (which is done by sucussion/vigorous shaking) creating the different potencies such as 30c, 200c, 1M etc. The key factor to this whole process is getting the active energy of the substance. This active energy is what fuels the body's ability to wake up and heal from within.


Every Homeopath prescribes differently, which is an important thing to remember when receiving treatment. This type of medicine isn't always instant (although sometimes it can be). Having patience and staying in touch with your Homeopath keeps communication open, and can allow for more successful treatment. It is still a form of medicine, so while your body is healing, you may notice things come up to the surface to be released. This isn't always the case for everyone, but you may notice old ways of thinking, emotional influences or trauma, etc. may surface in order to help your body heal.

Homeopathy is a powerful medicine if used in alignment with your body's needs.

If you are interested in natural and alternative methods to approaching health and wellness, homeopathy can be a great choice.

Please reach out if you have further questions or areas of interest, I'd be happy to help and answer your questions!

Energy Hug,


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