How to cleanse & claim your energy and space.
Clearing your space can mean many things, here I'm talking about physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically.
I am a very sensitive person, and since I can remember I have been dealing with spirits, entities and energies of all kinds. For quite a while now, I have been learning and working on claiming my own space, as well as claiming some of the rooms in my home. So, today I wanted to share a few tips and tricks that I have found helpful, that may also be helpful to you and the space you are trying to clear and claim.
TIP #1.
Actually cleaning up your space. The dreaded tip. If your space or home is cluttered, dirty, and dusty, energy can get caught up (as well as bugs and spiders!). Inviting other energies/entities to come and stay a while.
By cleaning up your space, you are able to clear things not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, that you have put to the side and forgotten about. When your space is clean and functional, you are owning your space and clearing out stagnant old energies, thoughts and emotions.
Steps: De-clutter
Let air circulate/open windows, etc.
Create/State your intention of letting the energy flow & Let Go
TIP #2.
Use your words. If you feel your space is being invaded energetically, you can use your words, and thoughts to reclaim your space. The key thing is don't be afraid to speak up for your well being.
By using statements such as; "I ask you to please respect me and my space, you are not allowed to invade my space, especially without my permission". Be firm, but kind. Usually, by stating your intention and communicating how you feel, they will respect your space and leave. If not, keep trying and know that you are not alone.
Steps: Try to understand how the space makes you feel
Command and use your words to state what you want
Be respectful, but firm
Repeat when needed
TIP #3.
Create positive and uplifting energy. There are many ways to do this and can be as minimal or as abundant as you like.
To create positive space you can introduce things such as; plants, crystals, aromatherapy, music, art, etc. into your space to make it feel like you. Use photos, scents, and colours that make you feel happy and that make you want to be in that space. Which connects to tip #4.
Steps: Create or add special pieces to your home that feel good
Smudging/Saging can be a great idea as well - Helpful article...
TIP #4.
Spend time in your space. If your claiming a room or specific area in your home, spending time there can make a big difference. If you've been avoiding it because of the mess or because of negative energies or entities, it's time to take it back.
Now that your space is clean, and maybe feeling more like your own, it's time to claim it and own it. If you still feel like you don't want to, I understand. You can also try moving the furniture around or getting rid of old furniture ( if you're able) to help you shift the energy and reclaim it. Once this is done take the time to sit, work, play, meditate, etc. in this space and actually use it.
Steps: Spend time in the space
Re-arrange things if you want
Create and occupy positive energy in the space
TIP #5.
Hopefully, your space is feeling much better now, and to maintain the space all you have to do is 'rinse and repeat'. But if you find you are still having some issues, here is a tip. Use sound.
Play your favourite music, discover the wide variety of frequencies (on youtube) to up your vibration, use sound bowls or the sound of gongs, incorporate sounds of nature, etc. Along with these suggestions, meditation can be your most powerful tool. By connecting with yourself and your guides you can ask for help, and can use your word/mantra or breath to blow out the negative energies and entities.
Steps: Use sound to break up the negative energies
Use kind words to yourself
Use your divine voice to clear yourself and your home
I hope these tips can help you, or give you new ideas on how to cleanse your space. Remember to be creative! Create your own space cleansing exercises, change things up and make it your own. You are never alone, and you can do it!
Energy Hug!